This is an extra special Q+A, because it's with our ONE and ONLY online model and BIRTHDAY GIRL :
AMIE THOMAS And she is SOOO much more than just our online model. She has helped us shape Jolyn throughout the years with all of her help, ideas, suggestions + willingness to throw on a swimsuit for us at the drop of a hat.
"I grew up in Sun Valley Idaho. Lived in Florida for 4 years, then moved to California. I spent most my life swimming competitively and still swim with master programs in her area. I love the mountains and the ocean. I have a little dog named Hashbrown and he's the cutest! If I'm not in the water, I prefer to spend my time dancing. I'm a crafter, I make my own jewelry and dream catchers. I live by the moon...stones and crystals heal all!"
- If you were stranded on an island and could only bring 3 things, what would they be:
Avocados, Lotion & Music
- What's your favorite beach that you have been to:
Rainbow Bay in The Virgin Islands
- If you were 60 years old, what would you tell your children:
Spend all your money on Experiences NOT things
- What's your favorite JOLYN color:
Teal & Cabernet
- What's your favorite JOLYN style and why:
Magic Top from back in the day....cause that was my top :) It's mostly like the UNIFORM top.
-What motivates you:
Other people that are happy and motivated
- What activities do you do in JOLYN:
Swim, Surf, Run, and Dance ;)
- How do you like to cross train? or What is your favorite cross training activity:
I do a lot of yoga!! and I always love a good hard workout in the gym!
- What book would you recommend to our readers:
The Four Agreements! Live by it !
- What would you spend your last $10 on:
A concert
- What is your signature dish in the kitchen:
I make the best pasta!
- Any last words or testimonial?
I want give a big shout out to all the Jolyn Fans out there!! Its been so amazing watching this company grow and become what it is today, without each and every one of you, it couldn't of happened. So much love to you all xx