Alexandra (Ali) Ferguson 
Teacher, Outdoor Educator, Surf Lifesaving Athlete
She just competed for Canada at Rescue 2014 in Montpellier, France. She is on the national team and recently cleaned up at the Canadian Surf Rescue champs in Parlee Beach, New Brunswick. Also this summer she won the USLA surf ski and ocean women… all while working full time as an outdoor ed teacher.
- What's your favorite beach that you have been to:
Nobby Beach on the Gold Coast of Australia. It's just south of Surfers Paradise - so it's obviously gorgeous, but doesn't have the crowds found in Surfers.
- What beach is on your list to go to:
- What are 3 things on your bucket list: C
age diving with great whites is definitely at the top. I think that they are such amazing animals, and I would like to get to see them up close. Sky diving and road tripping across Canada would probably be the next ones down my list.
- If you were 60 years old, what would you tell your children:
Take your time figuring out what you want to do in life - but when you decide, follow that dream regardless of how impossible it may seem. It is what will make you happiest in life.
- What is the craziest thing you have ever done:
I wouldn't call it crazy, but I did the Nevis Bungy jump in New Zealand a few years ago. It was awesome. I couldn't stop giggling.
- What's your favorite JOLYN color:
Hot pink!
- What's your favorite JOLYN style and why:
Triangle top and Brazilian bottoms...this is going to sound terrible, but I have no curves. I often compare myself to having the body of a juvenile boy. I don't really need to worry about anything falling out when I'm working out!
-What motivates you:
I do a lot of my training by myself, so I have a lot in intrinsic motivation. I just really want to prove to myself that my body is always stronger than my mind thinks it is. Every time I begin to experience self-doubt, I become very motivated to prove myself wrong. It's that never ending battle of turning off the voice in your head that says 'stop'.
- What activities do you do in JOLYN:
EVERYTHING! ...seriously. I basically treat it like underwear.
- How do you like to cross train? or What is your favorite cross training activity:
For this questions, I should say swimming...but I actually really like to cross-country ski as my cross training during our winter months.
- What inspires you:
Other athletes. I love watching how passionate athletes can get about their sport and racing. It doesn't even need to be my sport.
- What is something that nobody knows about you:
I get really nervous before races. I'm sure people think that I'm just very focused, and I am ...but for the most part, I'm just trying to keep my breakfast down.
- What would you spend your last $10 on:
A burrito.
- What is your signature dish in the kitchen:
I'm the stir fry queen. ...with extra ginger and garlic.
- What is your favorite workout or gym exercise:
Alternating chin-ups with straight leg raises!