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How to Care For Your Swimsuit



Want to know the secret to a long-lasting relationship with your JOLYN? 💙👙

It’s all about how you care for your swimsuit! And it’s super easy. Follow these DO’s and DON’Ts and trust us, your JOLYN’s will stay as fresh as the day you bought them for years to come.

Plus, all JOLYN suits are made with Foreverever Fabric Technology, so you can get the absolute most out of your swimwear and rock them for forever(-ever)!

Check mark, how to care for your Jolyn swimwear Rinse in cold water

After training, a trip to the beach, or whatever else you're doing in your JOLYN's, the best way to wash your swimwear is by rinsing them under cold water. No soap needed!


Check mark, how to care for your Jolyn swimwear Hang dry

Once you've rinsed your swimwear, hang them out to dry and they'll be ready to go again in no time! Just make sure to keep them out of direct sunlight, as too much sun can cause the straps to begin perishing. Also, don't leave your swimwear in a wet scrunched up ball in your bag after training, because mould ain't a good look or smell.


Check mark, how to care for your Jolyn swimwear Avoid rubbing against rough surfaces

To keep your swimwear looking and performing their best, avoid wearing them against abrasive surfaces such as sitting on concrete, climbing over rocks, leaning against walls, or using rough bodyboards. Surfaces like these can cause the fabric to become bumpy, snag, or tear, which may ruin the smooth, sleek look and feel of your fave swimsuit. Unfortunately, our stitching warranty does not cover this type of damage, so just remember to give your special swimwear the TLC they deserve! 💞



    X, how to care for your Jolyn swimwear Put in the washing machine

    Swimwear in the washing machine is a recipe for disaster - picture tangled straps, pulled out drawstrings, and fabric rubbing up against zippers or velcro. We just shuddered. Everyday washing detergent can also be a bit too much for the fabric, so a rinse in cold water is all your swimwear needs!


    X, how to care for your Jolyn swimwear Iron or put in the dryer

    Your swimsuit isn't designed to withstand extreme heat, so to protect the fabric from being damaged, it's best to avoid these things! The rubber in your swimsuit straps are particularly afraid of the heat, and they risk melting when ironed or put in the dryer. The best way to dry your swimwear after a wash is by hanging them up in the shade!


    X, how to care for your Jolyn swimwear Dry-clean

    Swimsuit material does best in what it's made for... WATER! The chemicals used in dry-cleaning are far too harsh on your precious swimwear, which can lead to your suit becoming damaged.


    X, how to care for your Jolyn swimwear Bleach

    If you want your swimwear to stay the same vibrant color as when you purchased them, steer clear of any bleach! It's probably the most terrifying chemical in the laundry; we're adults and we still don't trust ourselves using it without ruining the whole house.

    PLEASE NOTE: Our warranty covers items purchased within 6 months. We are not responsible for items that are damaged due to misuse. Please email with your detailed receipt or order number with any warranty questions or concerns.



    • I can’t get over the no soap. There are some stains that will not come out without soap, namely blood. Just doesn’t seem realistic.

      Loren E Clive
    • Thank you for teaching me the details on the video.

      LEE SOOK
    • Thank you for letting me know.

      LEE SOOK

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