JOLYN Does Wodapalooza Miami 2017
2017 Is a year of firsts for your friends here at JOLYN! This is our first time being a vendor at Wodapalooza, and the first time our activewear line "DRYLAND" has been available to hit the market! For those of you who don't know, Wodapalooza, or WZA, is a huge annual fitness & lifestyle festival that takes place in Southern Florida. WZA boasts spectators of over 25,000 and 1,500 athletes competing from over 30 different countries around the world! With all these primarily "dryland" athletes around, we thought this was the perfect stage to launch our activewear collection! However, crossfit athletes have been wearing JOLYN for years when they cross-train with a swim set. You can usually catch a JOLYN on top names such as Chyna Cho, Lauren Fisher, or this years WZA winner Camille Leblanc-Bazinet! Check out these photos captured by photographer Lara Stephenson of the event!