Q&A with LEAD Scholarship Recipient Iyleigh
What interested you about LEAD and how did you decide you would attend? I was feeling discouraged in my swim and lacking confidence. I really wanted to hear from the Olympians and what they went through when they were my age. When you applied for the lead scholarship were you hopeful, nervous, excited? I was excited, hopeful and nervous. I really wanted When you found out you won what did you do? Who did you call? How did you celebrate? I was so surprised to get a FULL scholarship! God answer my prayers to be able to go the LEAD. I was so happy and very excited Did attending LEAD help you realize any goals? If so what are they? I learned so much! My favorite thing I learned was behind the block thinking by Coach Christen; Wake up,Own it, Loosen up,Flip it, & Believe in yourself, My goals are to retrain my thinking and speak positive What steps will you take to achieve these goals? What was your favorite part of LEAD? That is really hard to say one thing. Elizabeth Beisel’s Have you worn JOLYN before? How did you like the swag you got? Yes I had worn JOLYN before, just before the summit. I LOVED IT! Love my suit and the leggings are so comfortable and soft. I had never had UGGs before either. Who/what inspires you the most in your life? What are your best/ favorite swim strokes? What team do you swim for? Is there anything you want to say to your team here? What is your favorite pump up song? Can’t Stop the Feeling, Eye of the Tiger What are your favorite pre-meet and post-meet foods? pre meet,waffle with peanut butter, smoothie, & applesauce post meet, protein shake, chicken, whatever my Mom is cooking and ice cream :) What dessert are you craving right now? What is your favorite movie? Freaky Friday When is your next swim meet? Do you want to swim in college? Have anything to say to your fans? Anything else you would like to add? Thank you so much for blessing me with this We think you are AWESOME!!!!!! I think you guys are AWESOME too!!!! |